Wk7: The meaning of the Social Media and Gatewatchers

 “Bridges made of pebbles” 

This is terms of describing the social media such as Twitter.
Twitter is an aggregate site which using the word #hackedu to get the attention of the consumer and aroused discussion. Which mean the pebbles being each of the tweets, coming together to form a suspension bridge to a full story.


labeling is one of the most useful tools that Twitter has created as the content is limited to 140 words. Via the tag we can aggregate more people easier.It added a second layer of discussion and brought a wider audience even into what would have been a private exchange.

These sum of 140 words tweets added up to something truly substantive, like a suspension bridge made of pebbles.Tags are powerful, useful tools for marketing, communication and driving engagement.

In fact, almost every social network has implemented a labeling system in the past few years. Include factbook, Instagram or youtube. A tag is a better method to communicate with valuable viewers on the internet.

The growing role of viewers in news creations is also changing the traditional role of the media and correspondents and their readers.One concept suggested by scholars is gatewatching which is considered to replace traditional gatekeeping journalistic roles.The new innovative practice of news coverage is social media planning, which involves digitizing narratives that make use of online and social media content.

Gatekeepers include the selection and filtering of relevant online and social media sources and direct access to the original source referenced in a story of a reporter. However, in addition to the professional sources of social media search and filtering available, traditional news skills are still necessary to paste curated pieces of information.

However, in addition to the professional sources of social media search and filtering available, traditional news skills are still necessary to paste curated pieces of information.Gatekeepers are the process of monitoring and controlling the flow of messages to viewers, and janitors use piecemeal viewer input to create complete news stories.I think this will not damage the value of professional news as it may affect people to focus on the global issues more.


Chris Anderson (). The Long Tail. Retrieved from https://www.wired.com/2004/10/tail/

Steven Johnson. (Jun. 05, 2009).

How Twitter Will Change the Way We Live. Retrieved from http://www.time.com/time/printout/0,8816,1902604,00.html

Matthijs van den Broek. (July 11 2006).

Gatekeeping wordt: gatewatching. Retrieved from


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